Art matters.

Art connects us, soothes us, inspires us, grounds us.

Boston Art began with the simple idea that art can transform a space. Research proves this idea & more.


Building certifications

WELL Building Standard

MIND Feature 87: Beauty and design I


A physical space in which design principles align with an organization’s core cultural values can positively impact employees’ mood and morale. Integrating aesthetically pleasing elements into a space can help building occupants derive a measure of comfort or joy from their surroundings. The incorporation of design elements and artwork to a space can create a calming environment able to improve occupant mood.

Beauty and Mindful Design

The project contains features intended for all of the following:

a13 Human delight.
b13 Celebration of culture.
c13 Celebration of spirit.
d13 Celebration of place.
e13 Meaningful integration of public art.

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Evidence-based art & design


Supporting the creative economy & our community

New England Foundation for the Arts 2017 Creative Jobs Matter Report:

New England’s creative economy employs nearly 310,000 people who earn a total of $17 billion per year. Read the full report here.

Additional reading:

Let’s work together.