Industry: Multi-residential building
Artwork: 200+ pieces with original artwork commissions, gallery walls, a green wall, historical imagery, and antique art objects
Scope: 390 luxury units; 475,00 sq ft

The Kendrick


“Made you look”

The creative collaboration between Toll Brothers Apartment Living, Bergmeyer, and Boston Art was an incredible process. We strove to imagine an unparalleled experience for the multi-family development rooted in New England iconography and design, but with a recontextualized and quirky twist. For example, the cottontail rabbit painting in the lobby is far from a standard depiction of the indigenous creature. Painted by local Massachusetts artist Jo Hay, it features thick, bold strokes of color and a larger-than-life perspective. The rabbit also serves as a universal sign of good luck to welcome everyone home.

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One of a kind

To make sure there was a surprise around every corner, we sourced unique and one-of-a-kind objects visible across the room or only in intimate settings. The pieces range from hand-carved books, mid-century brass bookends, antique mirrors, local historic photography to playful sculpture, petrified moss, and imaginative Audubon prints. We scoured antique markets and flash sales alike to bring a level of historic authenticity. Plus, all the artwork speaks to the function of the room. For instance, the mailroom displays vintage postcards all sent to or from Needham.

“The firm enlisted Boston Art, a local art consultant, to help the design team and client select artwork that combines the art and history of the local area with the lush finishes of a private home.

’We chose artwork with a lot of New England references, and a lot of it is actually kind of quirky and fun,’ Kubinski said. ‘Part of the moniker was a ‘made you look’ concept, where things aren’t quite what they seem until you look a little deeper. The artwork tells a story and weaves together through the whole building.’

The Bergmeyer team considered how the types of people living in The Kendrick would interact with the art. For example, the artwork appealed to a target market of empty nesters and older Needham residents, who have come to expect a level of finish and opulence in their houses. People who visited enjoyed experiencing the artistic element of the building, Kubinski said. Based on this success, the firm has replicated an art-forward approach in many of its other projects. ‘This approach has been successful because it allows you to get into the personality of the user,’ Kubinski said. ‘Each project has its own personality, customized for users and for the area where they live.’”

— Tara Lerman, "When Designing A New Property, Think About The Who, The What And The Where," BISNOW, 1 Nov. 2018.


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